Is Chinese Medicine

for you?

The answer is yes! Whoever you are, Chinese medicine can help you achieve optimal wellness and balance in your life. Whether you have long-lasting issues that have puzzled your medical doctors, or are focused on self care and boosting your immune system, I will create a personalized treatment plan to support you on your holistic health journey.

Here are just some of the conditions I regularly treat: acute and chronic pain, women’s health and fertility, endometriosis, PCOS, digestive conditions, allergies, migraines, skin health, stress, insomnia, immune enhancement, and COVID support and recovery.

Holistic Therapies


Acupuncture aids healing and stress response by unblocking energy (Qi) in the body through the insertion of fine sterile needles into acupuncture points. It has been shown to relieve pain and restore balance. The sensation from needle insertion is typically mild, and many people find it pleasant enough to even fall asleep during treatment.


Moxibustion, also known as "moxa," is a traditional therapy that uses dried mugwort. It is applied to acupuncture points and other areas of the body to relieve pain, improve blood circulation, and enhance immune and digestive function. It also benefits the adrenal glands, reduces inflammation, and detoxifies the body.

Cupping & Gua Sha

Used in Chinese medicine for centuries, cupping and gua sha treat stagnation, pain, and improve physical mobility. By manipulating the fascia and muscles, circulation and healing are enhanced. These techniques are not limited to back pain; they can also alleviate fevers, asthma, and plantar fasciitis. Additionally, I often incorporate cupping and gua sha in my facial rejuvenation treatments.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is a key part of Chinese medicine, addressing various health conditions. I have extensive training in herb-drug interactions, enabling me to create personalized and safe herbal formulas. These customized prescriptions target specific conditions and consider the individual as a whole. Herbs come in raw form to make a tea, but powders, pills, and tinctures are also available.

Dietary Therapy

Food is medicine there is no one-size-fits-all diet. Instead, your unique constitution determines the foods that are best for you. Considering your nutritional needs and constiitution, I suggest adjustments to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and control blood sugar and weight. I also use modern functional medicine, which may involve reviewing your lab results and recommending supplements for better health.

Facial Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a safe and natural alternative to invasive cosmetic procedures. It uses the body's healing ability to reduce the signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Along with improving collagen production and muscle tone, these treatments follow Chinese medicine principles for holistic beauty. They promote a healthy complexion and bring out your inner spirit.